App Description
Observing-iL runs only on iPhones. Observing-iL is not a stand-alone but an add-on application to Observing-L. It works like an external keyboard. Observing-iL cannot configure observation tasks. This is done by Observing-L.

To use an iPhone as an external keyboard Observing-iL must be installed on the iPhone. Observing-iL must download from iCloud a personalised observation task.

Continuous coding on an iPhone takes as long as the user wants. Data are not saved locally on iPhones. When the user terminates coding data are automatically uploaded to iCloud. Data are encrypted. Only Observing-L which has configured the task can download, read and process the data. After download the data are automatically deleted on iCloud.

  Table of Contents see Observing-L  pdf
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Requires iOS 13 or higher